Project evaluation

Every pedagogical activity must be evaluated, even more when it's about a project.
eTwinning projects aim to cultivate different aspects and skills of the students. The teacher but also the student himself must evaluate the whole process.
The feedback is very useful and an area to think on, after the project is closed.

Note: Just move the mouse on the image to see the posts

All students answered anevaluation questionnaire. 

Every students' opinion counts!

Afterwards, each student gets his certificate !

Styliani Argyrouli - 37th kindergarten, Larissa, Greece
Here are my students answering the questionaire!
DDMN Primary school-Chania-Greece

Dear partners in this project here is a padlet for your pupils to express their opinion- what they think of it, how they like it etc.
Made with Padlet
Your pupils may also use this link to TRICIDER to post their opinion, suggestions, likes or dislikes.
We have created a link to ANSWERGARDEN where your pupils can write their thoughts and feelings about the project we are doing.


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European Quality Label